Specialty Training in Orthopedic Surgery
Five years residency program, 1991-1996
Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon
Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery,Trad hospital & Medical Centre, Beirut, Lebanon, 1999- present date
Levant hospital , Mount Lebanon, Lebanon , 2006-present date.I now have over 20 years experience in Orthopedic Surgery 16 years of which are in private practice. I perform all types of orthopedic surgery for adults with special interest in arthroscopy and Arthroplasty (shoulder, hip and knee).
Name: Ziad J Noun
Date of Birth: 22nd March 1965
Nationality: Lebanese
Marital Status: Married with 2 children
Languages: English, French, Arabic. All spoken and written fluently
Address: Trad Hospital & Medical Centre,53 Rue du Mexique, Clemenceau Beirut, Lebanon
Telephone: 009613-541223
Email: smznoun@hotmail.com
Fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery, Trauma & Arthroplasty,
Kremlin-Bicetre Hospital, Paris France, 1996-1997
Fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery, Arthroscopy,
Andre Mignot Hospital, Versailles, France 1997-1998
Fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery, Bone Tumor Surgery and Knee Surgery,
Clinic Arago, Paris France, 1997-1999